IT and Security Measures

The development of an appropriate incident response program is a key component of the information risk management strategy. Here are main steps to be taken by organizations to deal efficiently with computer security incidents.

The development of an appropriate incident response program is a key component of the information risk management strategy. Here are main steps to be taken by organizations to deal efficiently with computer security incidents.

i. Create, deliver and manage a structured incident management capability. This is mandated by the Federal Information Security Management Act for federal agencies. The organizations are also expected to report incidents to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Committee.

ii. Document their protocols for communications with other organizations on accidents.

iii. Prepare to deal with any form of incident, and more precisely to deal with popular types of incident.

iv. Reduce the likelihood of incidents by efficiently protecting networks, devices and applications.

v. Emphasize the significance of incident identification and review throughout the enterprise.

vi. Using the lessons learned process to get benefit from the events.

vii. Establish written instructions for prioritizing accidents.

Incident response is a process and not an isolated incident. In order to ensure a good incident response, teams should take a cohesive and structured approach to any incident. Preparation is the secret to a successful response to an incident. Although the strongest incident management team cannot efficiently resolve the incident without predetermined direction. A solid strategy needs to be in place to help the team.